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  • Writer's pictureRaven Shadowwing

My Writing Journey

Obviously there is a great question that we need answered, how did I get started in writing and what made me crazy enough to begin such a long and extensive process that is become a published author.

Writing has been a part of my life as far as I can remember. It all started when I was a young girl and would make up stories with friends while on the playground. Vampires, dragons and witches became a part of my repertoire on and off the playground. When it came to writing projects in classes, I enjoyed them immensely to the point where I would dream up stories instead of focusing on how to correctly plug and chug an algebraic equation. It wasn't until the fifth or sixth grade that I came to the conclusion that I wanted to become an author and see my stories in libraries and bookstores.

During my middle school years, I began getting a grasp at the author industry and an event that would change my entire writing career and it was only four little words. National Novel Writing Month, an entire month devoted to writing and reaching a word count and walking away with a story at the end of the month. During the month of November, I furiously pants my first novel, thinking up several ways I could completely destroy my main character before having the chance to get out of said situation. I can tell you, that during that month I felt on top of the world, that there was nothing that I could not accomplished. I finished my first novel and I was thrilled that I was staring at a finished copy of my story.

As any preteen looking for away to get their story out there, I started out on one of the most prolific, if not weird, platforms that let me publish my stories, Wattpad. Now at this time of this post, that novel as well as it's sequel, is still on there and looking back, kind of cringey. When I put it up, I did not know what all went into polishing a novel much less editing one. The closest I got to editing, was the papers that had to be done for class but never an actual manuscript which was pretty daunting.

I had little knowledge of the industry and what all went into it. I knew key terms of publishing like traditional vs self publishing, literary agents, brief idea of querying and so on and so forth. All of it was so daunting that my little mind did not know how to handle it. Wattpad, also known to my friends and I as 'angst teen writing platform', was an option for me to just let people see my story, although was not successful for many reasons.

For awhile, I was discourage of the fact that I could not get to that goal that I had dreamt for so long. It wasn't until recently, with the help of awesome Booktubers, that I realized that it's suppose to be like this and I'm not entirely alone in my journey as there is many folks out there struggling to understanding the industry.

Everyone takes their writing journey at different paces so why not take my journey in my hands and set deadlines for myself. Ha!

Currently I am working on a novel for Camp NaNoWriMo that has to deal with the infamous Anne Bonny. The goal with that novel is to be done with fast drafting it by the end of July and begin the first round of edits after regular NaNoWriMo.

I recently got a patreon in which it'll help in the editing and publishing phases. That and it shows the level of support I'm receiving from you guys! Everyone who pledges gets an ARC and or will be a beta reader if they wish to!


My little walk into the middle of nature gave me some insight

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